10+ Best Android Applications To Visualize CPU, RAM and Battery

Let’s have a look at 10 Best Android Applications to visualize CPU, RAM and battery that will give you a better stats of your Android that you can analyze to make your Android perform better.

One of the signs of being a phone geek is that your eyes always strike towards the battery of the device. Android System in our device uses the CPU or RAM. Here in our article, we are going to show you the applications which will visualize important details like RAM usage, battery usage and CPU levels of your phone. With the help of these applications, you can everything will be displayed on your home screen. Without adding more twist let’s move to the 5 Best Android Applications to visualize CPU, RAM, and battery.

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10 Best Android Applications to Visualize CPU, RAM, and Battery

Below is the list of some of the best apps that you can use your Android phone to visualize the things. So have a look at all these apps below.

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1) Energy Bar

Now, with the help of this little application you battery level will be visible on the top of the phone (Status bar) in the form of colorful linear strips. With the help of this colorful linear strip, you will get to know the battery level of the phone. This nor dough tells us the battery life of our phone; it is also aesthetically pleasing. Now, let’s dig into the additional features of the application. Now, you can also change many things in this application by going to the settings of the application. You can set the type of the bar, thickness and the position of the bar. The visibility of the bar can also be changed in case of other full-screen applications. Further, you can also change the style of the strip. Like for example, you are playing a game, and by looking at the bar, you can get to know the remaining battery of your device.

2) Powerline

This application is also similar to the energy bar. It also shows a colorful strip as similar to the energy bar. But it has some additional functionality also. In this application, you can add different parameters like RAM, Wi-Fi, CPU, battery temperature, and storage. Besides that, you can add different indicators like Alarm, Phone Addict, Storage, and Memory and further you can change the position, color of the bar also by just tapping on the indicators. If you are not impressed by what the Energy Bar have to offer, then you could preferably go for this one as it is all fitted with the same sort of features and functions but certainly in different UI.

3) Tinycore

This application is also similar to the above applications but a cam with additional features also. Now, with the help of this application, you can visualize the RAM, CPU and battery usage of your Android device. With the help of this application, you can use the default indicator as well as can customize your own indicator also. But there comes a problem because in the free version of this application you can use only two indicators simultaneously. You can create different profiles in this and can also give name and description to them. After that, you can also set layout for it and can the change the position of the layout regarding height and width. If you want to change the stack orientation, then you need to have its pro version.

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4) Battery Monitor

As the name tells Battery Monitor, you might think that it will give the details of the battery only. But, it gives more additional information like RAM, CPU usage in the form of tiny floating windows and the widgets. By tapping on the floating window or widget, you can have access to the more details of the usage of battery, RAM, and CPU. Now, if you want to clear your device RAM, you can also tap on Tap Boost feature.

5) Navbar Apps

Now, this is the last but not the least application which can assist you customizes the look of your navigation bar. With the use of this application, now you can download add custom images to the navigation bar. Along with this, you can have a look at the battery level of the phone. This application is not having that much features as that of the written above. But still it is a potent app for the categorized processes and tasks, so just go for it without any worries!

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#6 OS Monitor

OS Monitor is a tiny utility app that helps you to monitor all Android processes. With OS Monitor you can display every network connection, monitor battery, network interface, and much more.

#7 Simple System Monitor

Simple system monitor is another great app that helps you to monitor your Android device efficiently. The app shows graphical interface of various system components. You can monitor CPU usage and frequencies, time spent on each CPU frequency and much more.

#8 System Monitor Lite

System Monitor lite if for those who want to get real-time system load statistics in the form of text and graph. You will be able to monitor CPU, RAM, I/O, Network, Battery and much more using System Monitor Lite.

#9 Status

Status is a status bar replacement that draws an overlay on top of the system-generated status bar. This means that the actual status bar is only hidden under the replacement; touch gestures are not overridden, and the standard notification panel is still shown.

#10 Gauge Battery Widget

This is actually a widget for your Android smartphone. However, this widget is lightweight and doesn’t consume many resources. This is fully customizable battery widget which let you see the battery percent on the Android home screen. You can also get to see the battery status in the status bar with this widget.

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#11 Cooling Master

Cooling Master is a professional temperature monitoring and controlling app that detects and closes heavy resource consuming apps to reduce CPU usage and lower phone temperature. With the help of Cooling Master, you can monitor and log device temp. in real time, and displays temp. change curves.

#12 Battery Meter Overlay

Battery Meter Overlay always shows the battery percentage at the top of the screen. With Battery Meter Overlay, You can see if your battery is charged enough to play a game, a movie, or to browse the web.

#13 Ram Booster

Ram booster is a super easy Android Ram Booster tool or you can call it speed booster for android to extreme Speed up memory, Super Cleaner, Cache Cleaner, CPU Cooler, ram analyzer, Cooler Master and kill all extra Back running app and increase speed on phone for ultimate boost fitness of your device.

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So, these were the 10 Best Android Applications to visualize CPU, RAM, and battery. With the help of this application, you can easily visualize the details of the CPU, RAM, and battery without digging into the settings app of your device. In case if you think that there should be some other app included in the list, then please comment below with your opinions.  We would love to see your indulgence and your opinions! Hope you like the tutorial, keep on sharing with others too. Leave a comment below if you have any related queries with this tutorial as we will always be here for all our techviral users to assist.