Nearly 700 Million Active Users Are Now Running Windows 10

Windows 10 has been adopted by nearly 700 million users, the outgoing Windows chief Terry Myerson inadvertently revealed. Myerson said that the commercial usage of the latest Windows version has also improved 84% year over year.

“Today, we are now approaching 700 million active Windows 10 users, commercial usage is growing 84% year over year, Xbox One is running a Windows 10 core, Surface is leading PC innovation, HoloLens is bringing breakthroughs to computer vision, our universal Microsoft store enables Xbox GamePass, Azure reserved instances, and Office distribution, and the OEM ecosystem is revitalized with profitable growth,” Myerson noted. “Last year, we finished the year with over $8B in operating income from our segment.”

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Satya Nadella had revealed last fall that the operating system was running on 600 million devices. In a farewell note published on LinkedIn, Myerson said that Windows 10 adoption rate is reaching new heights. New stats shared by third party trackers revealed recently that the latest Windows 10 Fall Creators Update continues to be adopted more rapidly than any other previous Windows version.

“One of my favorite things about leading Windows has been the Windows fans. Through good times and bad, I’ve loved your feedback. I’ve loved your passion for our work. I’ve loved your applause when we’ve done great work and I’ve loved the push to do better. One of my deeply held lessons from my Exchange days was the importance of that feedback loop with customers and fans, and that’s why we created the Windows Insider Program so we could build Windows 10 led by your feedback. Now with 15 million members, you continue to make our product and our team better each and every day. Thank you.”

While Windows 10 was introduced amidst keylogging, privacy and data collection controversies, the operating system continues to offer improvements with Microsoft delivering some pro-user controls. This change in strategy has translated well in the adoption rate. Arguably not as popular as Windows 7, the operating system will continue to gain more numbers as support for Windows 7 is ending in January 2020. More businesses continue to transition towards Windows 10 with new hardware also helping the latest desktop operating system with its installation numbers.