Apple Beats Google In The Interbrand Best Global Brands List For Sixth Straight Years

Apple has once again taken the top spot in the Interbrand Best Global Brands list for the sixth consecutive time. the constitutes of some of the popular brands around the globe including Google at number two and Amazon at number 3. The remaining companies include Microsoft, Coca-Cola, Toyota, Mercedes, Facebook, and McDonald’s. Let’s dive in to see some more details on the matter and what makes Apple the top position holder.

Apple Ranks Number One In The Interbrand Best Global Brands List, Beating Google For Sixth Consecutive Year

According to Interbrand, Apple’s value have increased as a brand by 16 percent. There are three reasons coined which takes Apple to the number one spot. Interbrand ranks brands on ten brand strengths and each of them indicates a ‘lever for growth.’ These ten brand strengths are as follows:

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  • Clarity
  • Commitment
  • Governance
  • Responsiveness
  • Relevance
  • Engagement
  • Differentiation
  • Consistency
  • Authenticity
  • Presence

Interbrand stated that Apple was specifically strong in three of the ten factors – Engagement, Differentiation, and Consistency. Engagement deals in a customers understanding, participation and a sense of identification of the brand. Apple has one of the most loyal customers in the world who associate themselves these qualities.

Differentiation stands for the customers’ ability to perceive that the brand has experience and proposition which no other brand is providing for them. Consistency is self-explanatory, suggesting that no matter what the issue is, Apple will always provide the best service and what the brand stands for.

Apple’s brand value narrows down to around one-fifth of its total value coming in at $214B. To be precise, this is the worth of Apple’s name alone. Other than Apple, Google has been a consistent performer as well having ranked next to Apple for the past six years as well.

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Amazon is said to be the fastest growing brands. Spotify is one of the two companies which have made their way to list for the top 100 brands ranking at 92 and Subaru at 100. Tesla, on the other hand, dropped out of the top 100 hundred brands. if you’re interested, you can check the entire list here.

There will be more to the story, so be sure to stay tuned in for more details. This is all for now, folks. What are your thoughts on the Interbrand Best Global Brands list? Do you agree with the rankings? Let us know in the comments.