BioWare Details Improvements Coming to Anthem for Mouse and Keyboard, Input Lag, Performance and More

The Anthem VIP demo is running on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. After some initial technical hiccups that caused players to have issues logging in, the service should be stable now as mentioned by BioWare in this blog post.

That said, the build featured in this Anthem VIP demo is rather old and BioWare’s Lead Producer Ben Irving posted on Reddit a list of improvements that have been since made to the game and should be added at launch.

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The highlights are improvements to mouse and keyboard controls, input lag as a whole, and performance. Irving also said he wanted to check with his programming team why there was no FOV (Field of View) slider, so that’s something that could be added to Anthem later down the line.

In case you weren’t able to get in the VIP demo, there will be a public Anthem demo available to anyone between February 1st and 3rd ahead of the game’s full launch, scheduled for February 22nd.

Keyboard and Mouse

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The build is a little old now and unfortunately some changes were made that arent available in the Demo

  • Mouse acceleration should be off for aiming – we can double check this is true in the latest build

    • You should have your 1:1 mouse input

  • Input lag – we fixed an input lag issue that was often described as aiming being “floaty”

  • Flight – We made some adjustments to flight so its easier to control

    • Part of flight with a mouse will be the fixes we made

    • Part of it will be getting the right sensitivity for you

    • Part of it will be practice – It takes a little more time to get used to than the other parts of the game, mostpeople get used to it after a couple of hours once they have all the items above. There are also tricks to it like being much smoother in your actions than when aiming (ie smooth vs snap aim) as well as learning to enter hover to recenter yourself

  • Swimming

    • Agree that swimming needs work still. We have some improvements in the latest build but we will need to put some more time into this

    • One tip is to use the arrow keys if you get yourself stuck, this is not a “real” solution but it has helped some people who have a tough time with it. Being very smooth with your mouse movements helps a lot here

Menu / UI

There is room for improvement here

  • Clicking directly onto items instead of needing to focus the list first — ” should just be able to click into the options once they are highlighted. “

    • This is good feedback and we will look into it

  • Menu keybindings for changing tabs – Although I agree, given you can just click with the mouse I think this is a lower priority than other improvements we could make so probably isn’t something we would prioritize in the short term

  • Hold to activate – I understand your perspective here but is holding it really very different than clicking it and being asked to confirm via a prompt? Will likely see if this is a problem at launch


  • Will investigate rotate speed with the mouse

  • Scroll wheel – I would suggest clicking but agree this is a little confusing, will look into it

Everything Else

  • FOV Slider – To be honest I can’t recall why this isn’t an option we have so I will find out

  • Motion Blur – If you turn the setting off and post processing off then I’m told its turned off, we can look into this a bit more

  • UI suggesting DPAD buttons – this is a bug, it should show you whatever your equivalent key bindings are (e.g. to drop a relic, push “.”)

  • Sounds clipping each other – this isn’t a PC specific problem?

  • Percentages for settings – agree but you set them once and probably never go there again so it’s likely not going to be at the top of the priority list

  • Text chat is something we will continue to monitor – there is VOIP to help explain things to teammates and we have some other ideas to help with this post-launch (“Follow Me”, “Group Up”, etc)

  • Keybinding issues

    • Great list of bugs here, thanks for sharing them:

    • [Unable to bind L Alt, Scroll Wheel binding not working properly]

    • [Rebinding melee to Mouse 4 causes text under melee icon to be misplaced]

    • [Scroll Wheel binding not working properly]

    • [Default keybinding not working]

  • Performance

    • We have done performance improvements since the Demo but I don’t have a good way to quantify that for you… its something we will continue to work on improving