Dragon Ball FighterZ Next DLC Character Fused Zamasu Gets First Screenshots

Bandai Namco released today a new batch of screenshots for the next DLC character coming to Dragon Ball FighterZ, the fighting game based on the popular manga and anime series released earlier this year on PC and consoles.

The new screenshots, which can be checked out below, showcased Fused Zamasu and some of his special attacks. The character, which is part of the Dragon Ball FighterZ Pass, will be released on a yet to be confirmed release date.

dragon-ball-fighterz-broly-gameplayRelated Dragon Ball FighterZ Broly, Bardock To Be Shown In New Livestream Later This Week

Dragon Ball FighterZ is one of the best fighting games released in recent years. Featuring a simple to pick up but harder to master experience, the fighting game by Arc System Works can provide hours of fun to both casual and hardcore fans.

Dragon Ball FighterZ is a game that does so much right. It’s a hardcore fighting game experience, as well as a more casual button masher. It’s a competitive fighter, as well as a Dragon Ball side story. Other Dragon Ball games have done Dragon Ball style mechanics better, Xenoverse’s 3D flight feels very authentic, but Dragon Ball FighterZ feels like the best of both worlds, and is one of the very best Dragon Ball games of all time. How the fighting meta will develop is another question entirely, and whether or not tournaments like EVO will allow DBFZ to join its ranks is still up for debate, but this is easily the most exciting new fighter I’ve played in a very long time.

Dragon Ball FighterZ is now out on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One