EA Star Wars Community Lead Enquiring About Bringing Over Battlefront 1 Maps to Battlefront II

EA’s community lead on Star Wars Battlefront II, Ben Walke, has taken to Twitter to ask fans about their thoughts on bringing over Battlefront 1 maps to Battlefront II.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that EA DICE will actually release maps from 2015’s Battlefront in Battlefront II, but Walke’s question is interesting nonetheless.

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“Potentially loaded question, but interested in hearing your thoughts”, he wrote. “How do you feel about Battlefront I maps being brought over to Battlefront II?”

Prior to the release of Star Wars Battlefront II, many fans already asked EA to bring over maps Battlefront I, and it appears that many players would still like to play Battlefront II with this favorite BF1 maps.

We’ll keep you updated on this matter. Would you like see the maps from Battlefront I in Battlefront II? If so, which maps? Hit the comments below.