Fallout 76 Microtransactions Detailed, “Atoms” Currency Thrown at Players “All The Time”

Fallout 76 is bringing a lot of new things to the venerable RPG series, including multiplayer, more versatile vase building, and, yes, microtransactions. Until now, Bethesda has been somewhat evasive about how Fallout 76’s microtransactions will work, but in a recent interview with Xbox’s Major Nelson, Pete Hines provided a few more details. Fallout 76’s virtual currency will be known as “Atoms,” and according to Hines, there will be ample opportunity to earn them in-game…

“Atoms are a thing that we hand out as you play the game, quite honestly, we throw them at you all the time. You get them as little rewards for leaving the vault, or the first time you kill a creature, or the first time you pick fruits and vegetables from somewhere — it’s a little challenge reward. Atoms are used in our shop to buy cosmetic things, so new outfits or skins or things like that.”

Fallout 76 comes with 500 Atoms on Xbox One, whether you pre-order or not, so you’ll probably want to go with that version, provided you have the option. Of course, there are still plenty of unknowns regarding Atoms – how much will they cost if you’re purchasing them with real money? How many will you need to spend to get various types of cosmetics?

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Perhaps we’ll learn more about Atoms when the Fallout 76 beta kicks off later this month. In order to sign up for the Fallout 76 beta, which gives you access to the full game, you have to pre-order, create a Bethesda.net account, then redeem your code here. The beta launches on Xbox One on October 23 and PC and PS4 on October 30.

How are you feeling about the addition of Atoms? Are you okay with them, or would you prefer to nuke the whole concept of microtransactions in Fallout?

Fallout 76 drops onto PC, Xbox One, and PS4 on November 14.