Here’s a list of seven paid Android apps that are on sale for a few days. Grab them while they’re still on sale.
Learn Spanish From Scratch (Originally $ 5.99, $1.99 for 6 days)
Learn Spanish From Scratch is one of the best apps on the Play Store if you’re interested in learning the Spanish language from the ground up.
Download Learn Spanish From Scratch.
Related Phone Usage Monitor Lets You Track Your Smartphone Usage
AlmostTI – TI Calc Emulator (Originally $ 4.99, $2.99 for 7 days)
AlmostTI turns your Android device into a Texas Instruments graphing calculator. It fully emulates TI-84+, TI-84+ Silver Edition, TI-83+, TI-83+ Silver Edition, TI-73, TI-83, TI-85, TI-86, TI-82, and TI-81 calculators made by Texas Instruments. And yes, if you have got a tablet, it will become a really BIG TI calculator. AlmostTI also lets you save your calculations at any point and then select from several previously saved tasks.
Download AlmostTI – TI Calc Emulator.
Clipboard Pro (Originally $ 2.99, $0.99 for 6 days)
Automatically record all copied text.
You can record the content and URL of the article you care about, copy the product name, etc. and search the web later.
Because it has memo function, it is useful for shopping and going out.
Download Clipboard Pro
Ray Financial Calculator Pro (Originally $ 3.99, $0.99 for 6 days)
This financial calculator provides powerful and easy-to-use financial calculators for users. Users can always see the description section of the calculator when they are confused so that they can access the accounts and examples of the calculator. The financial calculator has many useful calculators which are Money Time Value, Net Present Value (NPV) Calculator, Compound Interest Calculator, ROI Calculator, Bond Calculator, Stock Cycle Calculator, Hint Calculator.
Inventory Calculators also have seven useful, important financial calculators.
These are:
Black Scholes Calculator
Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) Calculator
Fixed Growth Stock Calculator
Uncertain Growth Inventory Calculator
Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) Calculator
Holding Period Return Calculator
Expected Return Calculator
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