There are numerous methods by which you can quickly boost up your internet speed. Today we are going to share 8 tips on increasing your Internet speed on your Google Chrome browser, Follow the steps to boost up your internet speed on your chrome browser
Today everybody wants to use a high-speed internet on their smartphones, tablets and Pc’s. There are numerous methods by which you can quickly boost up your internet speed. In this post, i am going to share a technique to make your google chrome browser faster in your Pc.
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For this, we have a method that is How To Boost Up Internet Speed On Google Chrome. In this, I will be discussing some factors that will help you to increase internet speed in your google chrome browser. So proceed with the method below.
How To Boost Up Internet Speed On Google Chrome
Chrome is a clever browser and also most prevalent in the world of internet and there are lots of features that this browser provides which will help you in this job. So have a look at the tips below to boost up your internet speed.
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Tips To Boost Up Internet Speed On Google Chrome:-
#1 Disable DNS Preload in Google Chrome
This feature of google chrome let it save the cache for Domain Name Servers which can payload on your browser so you can disable this and stop your browser to save this cache. just follow the below step in your google chrome.
- Go to Settings – Advanced Settings – Privacy there you will have two options that are “Use a web service to help resolve navigational errors” and “use a prediction service to help complete searches and URL’s typed in address bar” disable them both.
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#2 Clear Browsing Data Regularly
The saved cache and other saved data like browser history saved forms and login details etc put loads on your browser so better are to clear them all. So to clear them in your chrome follow the below step.
- Go to Settings – History section – Clear Browsing Data.
#3 Disable Plugins
No doubt plugins in google chrome are very helpful for us but they can make your google chrome slow, so better is to remove them after you are done with them for removing just follow the below:-
- Go to Settings – Extensions – Disable button after every extension that you want to disable in your browser.
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#4 Use Data Saver Extension
This is very useful google chrome extension that will help you to save lots of your internet data and also your internet browsing speed will also get the boost up to certain extent. So add this Data Saver Extension in your google chrome today.
#5 Disable Image Content
If you really want to boost up your internet speed then you can disable images in your browser, no doubt sites will not look so cool but you can browse them with faster speed. Follow the below step to do so:-
- In your google chrome enter chrome://chrome/settings/content and under image section check the option Do no show images.
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#6 Enable Prefetch
Enable Prefetch
Well, Google Chrome for Windows comes with an awesome feature which loads web pages in the background. The resource pre-fetcher or preloader actually provides intelligent suggestions about the webpages that we are most likely to open next. So, it loads those pages in the background even before we open them.
- First of all, open Google Chrome and go to Options Settings Show Advanced Settings
- Now you need to find the option ‘Prefetch resources to load pages more quickly‘ and enable it.
#7 Enable Experimental Canvas
Enable Experimental Canvas
We have tried different settings on Google Chrome Browser to find out which works the best to boost internet speed. We have found that enabling the Experimental Canvas Features leads to better page loading speed.
- First of all, go to ‘chrome://flags/#enable-experimental-canvas-features“
- Now you need to click on Enable and then click on Relaunch Now button.
#8 Enable Fast Tab/Window Close
Enable Fast Tab/Window Close
Well, this feature doesn’t improve the internet speed. But, it helps to close or switch between tabs in a better way. This feature runs your opened tabs on Unload.js handler which speeds up the tab switching and closing process.
- Open your Google Chrome browser and then type ‘chrome://flags/#enable-fast-unload‘ on your address bar.
- Enable the option and then click on ‘Relaunch Now’ button.
So the foregoing discussion is all about How To Boost Up Internet Speed On Google Chrome. By comprehending all the above tips you can make your google chrome browser faster and further this can preserve your internet usage data too. Hope you like the post, don’t forget to share it with others too. Leave a comment below if you have any related queries with this.