How To Prevent Cell Phone Phishing Attacks

How To Prevent Cell Phone Phishing Attacks
How To Prevent Cell Phone Phishing Attacks

We all know very well that there are various types of attacks that we are exposed to at the moment, among which we can highlight the well-known and most used attack, of course, phishing attacks, but, on smartphones, something that is not new but has become more advanced over time. Hence, today in this post we will show you an excellent tutorial to prevent cell phone phishing attacks.

How To Prevent Cell Phone Phishing Attacks

There are various types of attacks that we are exposed to at the moment, among which we can highlight the well-known and most used attack, of course, phishing attacks, but, on smartphones, something that is not new but has become more advanced over time.

This is largely due to the new attack methods that are used, as they are not limited to fake websites that use fonts and designs from the originals to deceive us, but mainly the attackers now focus on the theft of data from social networks and the failure of security systems.

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However, apart from all these things, here the main question arises is that can we protect ourselves from these attacks? The answer is yes, as we can simply use different methods to avoid this type of attacks on our mobile devices.

Phishing in voice calls

Phishing in voice calls - How To Prevent Cell Phone Phishing Attacks

Phishing attempts based on voice calls, also known as “vishing”, are more direct than SMS, since these attackers have the latest technologies such as caller ID, remote automatic dialers, numbers based on area codes, or access to our personal information.

That’s why we should always be careful with this type of calls since legitimate companies will never ask you for private data over the phone, just as they would not do it through an email.

Phishing attack through messages (SMS)

Phishing attack through messages - How To Prevent Cell Phone Phishing Attacks

This particular format through the use of SMS has existed for years, and the methods used have not changed much, as they focus on capturing the victim’s attention with lucrative incentives.

Basically, via this method attackers simply hunt for bank account and credit card data, as well as access credentials to platforms, cryptocurrencies, or PayPal accounts, among other things. And then this information can be sold for a good profit in the Dark Web.

Hence, to avoid it, the best we can do is not click on any link that forces us to act in a hurry, because for example legitimate companies never harass us in this way.

Phishing by phone number

Phishing by phone number - How To Prevent Cell Phone Phishing Attacks

These attacks by telephone numbers are among the latest mobile phishing scams and focus on the security system of bank accounts with two-factor authentication, something that apparently is not perfect.

Thus, the attackers collect personal information such as phone numbers, date of birth, etc., all to transfer our SIM to another company and receive the bank details, which is clearly considered as financial fraud.

As the process of change takes several hours, or days, if we notice that the phone can not perform basic functions such as calling or sending SMS, we could find ourselves in one of these cases, so it would be convenient to contact the corresponding operator simply avoid these type of attacks.

Phishing in social networks

Phishing in social networks - How To Prevent Cell Phone Phishing Attacks

After the Cambridge Analytica scandal, it’s not surprising that social networks have become targets for phishing attacks, as in these type of attacks attackers can simply pose them as celebrities, friends or family simply to deceive us.

Also Read: How To Recognize Phishing Emails and Pages To Stay Protected

Hence, whether it is a trustworthy contact, or not, we must remain alert and never share our personal data or information through social networks with other contacts, under any situations.

Now after knowing about these four well-known Phishing attacks that we have mentioned above, I hope you all learned that how we can use different methods to avoid these type of attacks on our mobile devices. So, what do you think about this safety tutorial? Simply share all your views and thoughts in the comment section below. And if you liked this tutorial then do not forget to share this tutorial with your friends family.