Don’t worry because you can stop these notifications from reaching your email. You just has to follow the simple steps that you will learn in this article and then you will get rid of the notifications.
We are regular user of social networking sites then you might also know that these sites also use notifications to ensure you about the messages or other things from various other sites and organizations. Twitter also uses Email notifications that are send to your Email that you has used to make the new account. You might feel many of the notifications as useless and also feel that it makes the traffic on your Email.
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How to Turn Off/Stop Twitter Email Notifications
The method is very simple and straight and just follow the given steps to Turn Off/Stop Email notifications of twitter.
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Steps to Turn Off/Stop Twitter Email Notifications:
1. First of all you has to login to your Twitter Profile by using your login credentials. This step is necessary because you can only stop the notifications once you are logged in to your account.
2. After being logged in to your account, just go to Settings and then you has to select Email Notifications option from the pop up options. In this step you reach the place in the Twitter where you can manage the Notifications regarding to your account.
3. You shall be receiving email notifications from Twitter by default as the Emails is enabled in your Email notifications settings page. If you don’t want to get a single email notification from Twitter then just Click on Turn Off and then click on ‘Save Changes‘ button . This will stop the Emails from twitter and you will now get no email from twitter ,not even the single one.
But Instead of stopping the every type of notification ,if you wants to receive email notification for only few important activities like When someone follows you OR retweeted one of your tweet etc then can customize the email notification settings.For doing that just repeat the above steps till “2” and then in the pop up menu just check the options for which you want to be notified and un check the others for which you don’t want any email notification.After checking the required boxes click on the Save changes button and you are done here.You will now get the notifications from the fields of your wish.
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Here in this article you has learned about how you can easily turn off/stop twitter notifications. You has also learned how you can get the email notifications from twitter for the fields of your wish.Just go and try this up so as to get rid of the useless notifications from Twitter.