The NieR Automata HD Texture pack has received an update and this latest version features a remastered 2B and over 230 new HD textures.
Like previous versions of the HD texture pack, the mod upgrades low quality assets in the PC version of NieR Automata, and version 0.73 of the pack offers even more high quality textures.
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“NieR: Automata suffers from some really low resolution textures in certain areas of the game”, mod creator GPUnity writes. “This stops the visual presentation of the game from being consistent. My goal is to faithfully improve these textures, by creating a natural looking restoration to the textures.”
We’ve included a video alongside some screenshots of the mod in action below:
Those interested can download the latest version of the HD texture pack for NieR Automata here. Please note that this pack requires Kaldaien’s FAR (Fix Automata Resolution) mod, which can be downloaded here.
NieR Automata is available globally now for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.