Qualcomm Seeks To BAN Imports And Sales Of iPhones

We all know that the battle between the tech giant Apple and Qualcomm is far from over. Now, it has been Qualcomm who has countered Apple, and the chipmaker has asked the US government to prevent the arrival of iPhones to the country, as well as prohibit the sale of those already in the country.

Qualcomm Seeks To BAN Imports And Sales Of iPhones

The giant mobile chip manufacturer Qualcomm’s battle with the tech giant Apple has been going on for quite some time now. Both companies want to win in court as there are several actions that move millions of dollars in payments or damages.

Among the many ongoing processes, one focuses on the modems that the tech giant Apple uses on the iPhone and, as a precautionary measure, Qualcomm wants to prevent the iPhone from importing into the US.

The trial that seeks to decide whether Apple is using components that violate Qualcomm’s patents began at the end of last week. In this, the US chipmaker wants to establish that there is misuse of its ideas in third-party components that Apple uses in its equipment.

To pressure Apple, and re-establish use of its modems and other components, Qualcomm wants Apple to be banned from bringing the iPhone to the US. This seems to be a step closer to happening than can be judged.

This comes after the positive opinion, in court, from ITC (the United States International Trade Commission) technicians about Apple’s infringement of patents. In this case, the patent refers to the technology of saving energy in the batteries.

The opinion of these ITC technicians is not binding and does not carry any weight in the final decision of the court, but as a rule, they are taken into account and are followed by the judges who decide these cases. The tech giant Apple insists that this decision will perpetuate Qualcomm’s monopoly on the technologies it dominates.

With this possible impediment, Qualcomm expects Apple to eventually decide to reach an agreement or even drop all court proceedings, re-establishing partnerships for the provision of modems and other components for the iPhone and other equipment.

There are several processes that these companies have in progress, regarding patent infringement, licensing and contracts. With all this legal confusion that exists, it is not expected that there will be a final decision on all cases before the beginning of next year.

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