Samsung Beats Apple For Q1 Smartphone Activations But iPhone Wins Loyalty With Highest Results

Apple and Samsung have their own set of time frames when releasing flagship smartphones in the same year. While Samsung sees fit to announce its flagships, the Galaxy S series smartphone at the start of the year, Apple announces the new iPhone in the fall before the holiday season. These factors give room to the height of smartphone activations per quarter. CIRP has shared new data this morning on smartphone activations along with smartphone loyalty for the January-March quarter. So let’s dive in to see where the two smartphone manufacturers stack in each segment.

Samsung Surpasses Apple In Smartphone Activations But Falls Behind In Smartphone Loyalty

According to the data shared by CIRP, Samsung took the top spot for smartphone activations in the first quarter of 2018. However, iPhone went ahead and took the crown in the smartphone loyalty niche. Samsung was the most popular smartphone manufacturer in Q1 of 2018. It reaped in 39 percent of the total smartphone activations in the United States. Apple, on the other hand, took second place with 31 percent of total smartphone activations.

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However, if release time of the iPhone and Galaxy S flagship is anything to be considered, Apple took more than 40 percent of new activations in its holiday quarter of 2017. The launch schedules influence CIRP’s numbers and it’s true. Samsung’s launch of Galaxy S series smartphones in the first quarter would reap more, while the same can be said about Apple in its holiday quarter.

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However, the smartphone loyalty research shows the iPhone on the top position, scoring over 90 percent, the highest that the device has seen compared to last year. The research was conducted from a survey of 500 smartphone activations in the United States. There will be more to the story, so be sure to stay tuned in for more details.

This is all for now, folks. What are your thoughts on Samsung beating the iPhone in Q1 for smartphone activations while Apple beats Samsung in smartphone loyalty? Let us know in the comments

Source: CIRP