Stephen Hawking’s Last Paper Points Towards The Existence Of Parallel Universes

We all know very well that it has just become public that the famous astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, who died last Wednesday at age of 76, presented a scientific article for publication just two weeks ago, in which the great astrophysicist Stephen Hawking predicted the existence of Parallel Universes.

Stephen Hawking’s Last Paper Points Towards The Existence Of Parallel Universes

It has just become public that the famous astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, who died last Wednesday at age of 76, presented (as a co-author) a scientific article for publication just two weeks ago. Said article or document, entitled “A Smooth Exit from Eternal Inflation” (which means that in reference to the theory that presumes that the universe is not only infinite but that it continues producing new galaxies in a rhythm that is also infinite).

Knowing that the most influential physicist since Einstein left us the last contribution to scientific knowledge before dying would be newsworthy in itself, but the issue acquires even greater relevance when we discover that such contribution could, according to those who have already read the article, lay the theoretical foundations for the discovery of a parallel universe.

The article in question is a work that seeks to demonstrate the theory of the “multiverse” (which presumes the existence of many universes besides ours) developing the necessary mathematics to send a probe into deep space capable of gathering evidence of the existence of multiple universes. This would be possible if this probe is equipped with sensors capable of capturing the cosmic background radiation originated in the early existence of our universe.

According to Thomas Hertog, the professor of physics at the University KU Leuven (Belgium) who signs this article with Hawking, what this research intends is to transform our conception of the multiverse “within a verifiable scientific framework”. Hertog explained to the Sunday Times that he personally met with Hawking to obtain his final approval before sending the document.

So, what do you think about this? Simply share all your views and thoughts in the comment section below.