What if I say you all that now you can get an extra pair of arms? It may sound very odd but, it is true. Recently, a project, MetaLimbs was developed by a team of researchers from the University of Tokyo which will give you an extra pair of arms.
This Robotic Suit Gives You An Extra Pair Of Hands
Currently, we are many who have a very hectic pace of life in relation to multiple tasks that we must do, so today we will tell you about a project that comes to help us to be more productive in every sense, if you ever thought of having an extra Pair of arms, hold on, now with this project it will come true.
We are talking about MetaLimbs, a system that allows you to have four hands or an extra pair of arms which will be definitely more productive for you or anybody. This is a rather curious invention, and it is a platform composed of two robotic arms that are placed on the back and come out from the side, through a pair of sensors located on the knees and feet.
So, it can be useful at all times, since the hands can be customized depending on the task you are going to perform, imagine the different implementations for this device in your day to day help. Also, it has an approximation to the sense of touch, these are the sensors that are responsible for notifying the user when something touches the robotic hand.
At first, it may be difficult to fit into the system, since it is not normal to have four arms. However, surely, getting used to this type of system is not very complicated.
This project was developed by a team of researchers from the University of Tokyo (Japan). Without a doubt, MetaLimbs is a very effective way to leave behind the different barriers and physical limitations when performing multiple tasks at the same time.
Moreover, the project will be presented at the SIGGRAPH 2017 Los Angeles conference from July 30 to August 3. So, there we will be able to know a little more about the system and even we will also know the price and when this system will hit the market.
So, what do you think about this new robotic hands? Simply share your views and thoughts in the comment section below.