Top 15+ Best Websites To Learn Ethical Hacking

 Today mostly hackers are youngsters and many youths want to learn hacking and hacking is a skill which is similar to the Internet tool or a knife of a virtual world. In this post, we will tell you the Best Websites To Learn Ethical Hacking. These websites will teach you how the hackers hack into your device. Go through the post to discover the websites

Today lots of people want to learn to hack. But as we know Hacking is illegal so it ‘s hard to find a way to learn to hack. But there are some networks online which give tutorials on hacking. Hacking exists just because of vulnerability in technology. Today mostly hackers are youngsters and many youths want to learn hacking and hacking is a skill which is similar to the Internet tool or a knife of a virtual world. Therefore, here is the list of Top 15+ best websites where you can learn Ethical Hacking.

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Hacking if of two types- Ethical hacking and unethical hacking. Unethical Hacking is illegal while as ethical hacking is considered as legal.

Best Websites To Learn Ethical Hacking 2018

#1 Hacking Tutorial

Hacking Tutorial

It is one of the biggest online network and this network proved that no need of perfect English is required to teach something. In this website, there is explained many vulnerabilities of software with step by step. In this site, all the tutorials are in the pdf format to download and learn by step by step. Must explore all the hacking tricks of this website.

#2 Hack In The Box

Hack In The Box

It is second Best Website To Learn Ethical Hacking. This site has hanged significantly through the years and it is rebranded as HITB, and the site is completely transformed into what looks like a WordPressed-based platform . Also still Today Hack In The Box remains focused on security and ethical hacking from past years.

#3 Hack This Site

Hack This Site

This site is always, saving the best for last – I’d like to introduce Hack This Site! This website is one of the coolest, free programmer training sites where you can learn how to hack accepting one of the challenges along the left navigation pane of the main pages and exploring more and more.

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#4 EvilZone Hacking Forums

EvilZone Hacking Forums

This is one of the largest community and forum of hacking on the internet and also the best site to learn to hack. Also, this community likely has the skills and knowledge to answer any programming question you could possibly have on it or outside it. All the tutorials are very sharply explained on this website.

#5 Hack a Day

Hack a Day

As the name indicates Hack a day is also an another best site to learn ethical hacking on the internet. This website definitely offers an amazing library of information for anyone looking for specific categories like cell phones, GPS or digital cameras and much much more.

#6 EC-Council

Ec Council

The International Council of E-Commerce Consultants (EC-Council) is a member-based organization that certifies individuals in various e-business and information security skills. International Council of E-Commerce Consultants, also known as EC-Council, is the world’s largest cyber security technical certification body.

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#7 Break The Security

Break The Security

It is another great website where you can easily learn white-hat hacking from scratch. The website also includes articles on penetration testing and other security purposes. It also provides you Cyber Security Certifications.

#8 Evil Zone

EvilZone Hacking Forums

Evilzone is a community of hackers, crackers and other magnificent creatures alike. We have an everlasting thirst for knowledge, technology, and wisdom. They constantly share information in an open, free and secure environment with quality above quantity. You can register here for free.

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#9 Hacking Loops

Hacking Loops

It is the great place to start learning hacking. Here, you can also set up your own pentest/hacking lab. The free guide delivered to your email that will show you step-by-step how to get started and set up your own lab today.

#10 MetaSploit


MetaSploit is one of the world’s most popular Penetration Testing software which already helped lots of organization to improve their security. The Metasploit blog will be a great place to start. Get access to information, free tools, tutorials and more.

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#11 SecTools


This website is focussed on security tools that are available in the market. It provides the tutorial on how to protect network security breach. The list is updated very often. This website also provides details about the listed security tools along with features and reviews.

#12 FromDev


FromDev is not a website where you can learn hacking. But this provides articles regarding top hacking and network related resources, websites, and software. This website has some article where you can learn ethical hacking from the beginning.

#13 Cybrary


Cybrary is a website which was launched on January 13, 2015. The main goal of this website is to provide tutorials on how to get started with various security tools. The best thing is Cybrary provides the video tutorial on Ethical hacking which describes everything needed to become a good ethical hacker.

#14 Security Tube

Security Tube

If you prefer video platform to learn ethical hacking, then you could find Security Tube the best amongst all. This website provides videos for ethical hacking and information security. You can even learn about basic penetration testing.

#15 EDX


With EDX you can enroll in the latest computer science courses covering important topics in artificial intelligence, cyber security, software engineering, and big data. Users can freely Signup and enroll in the class.

#16 GreyCampus

GreyCampus is the Final Destination for all those who want to be Certified as an Ethical Hacker from EC Council. It is an EC Council accredited institute and provides Online Training, Classroom Training or Self Study Materials with access to EC Council Practice Labs. There is also a Payment Plan introduced recently for the US and Canada.

#17 From DEV

From DEV

Well, this is not actually a hacking website where you can find lots of security related articles. However, the article that we have linked reveals many security websites, resources, software which could help you to learn ethical hacking. You could find lots of information from the linked article.

#18 Packet Storm Security

Packet Storm Security

This is another best website which you can visit if you want to learn ethical hacking. The website contains lots of tutorials, how-to guides etc which are related to security, software exploits, and hacking. So, this is another best website which you can bookmark if you want to learn ethical hacking.

#19 Offensive Security

Offensive Security

This is one of the most recommended and popular websites from where you can learn ethical hacking. The site hosts lots of live courses, in-house training programs, online courses which would help existing or newcomers to learn more about security and ethical hacking.

So above are the Best Website To Learn Ethical Hacking. By these websites, you can easily learn ethical hacking by just sitting in your room and exploring the different Hacking Tricks and Tips, and you will also come to know about the vulnerabilities of many software like your browsers, antiviruses and much much more. You can become the hacker by learning hacks from these sites. Don’t forget to share this cool post.